
I work on "Quantum Physics" and its applications. My research project involves the determination of behaviour of electron in 'strong' non-uniform magnetic fields, a phenomenon known as "Landau quantization". We propose different ways to generate the variable magnetic field using condensed matter. In general, Landau quantization effects can be applied to a variety of physical systems ranging from astrophysics to quantum information to high energy physics to condensed matter. We have used it in astrophysics to explore mass variation of highly magnetized white dwarfs and in quantum information, as a means to increase quantum speed limit.
Apart from this, I am also interested in neuroscience. I am using non-linear dynamics and its tools to understand the complex networks of brain. For this, I work on Electroencephalography (EEG) data from humans. I record, analyze and characterize the human EEG data based on different parameters as age, gender, disease and meditative state.

Modified Landau quantization in non-uniform magnetic field
We investigate the two-dimensional motion of relativistic cold electrons in the presence of `strictly' spatially varying magnetic fields satisfying, however, no magnetic monopole condition. We find that the degeneracy of Landau levels, that arises in the case of constant magnetic field, lifts out when the field is variable and the energy levels of spin-up and spin-down electrons align in interesting ways depending on the nature of change of field. We use it to explore mass variation of highly magnetized white dwarfs and to boost quantum speed limit.

Boosting quantum speed using variable magnetic field
The propagation of quantum information is benchmarked by quantum speed limit (QSL), which is the transition speed of a particle from one state to the other. We show that spatially growing magnetic fields can be advantageous over constant magnetic fields to achieve higher QSL of electrons. We further, determine the critical magnetic field for non-uniform magnetic field that bridges the non-relativistic and relativistic regimes by using the Bremermann–Bekenstein bound, that constraints the maximal rate of information production.

Complexity and criticality in brain
We study the dependence of the power spectral density (PSD) slopes in Electroencephalography (EEG) data of humans on age, gender and disease. We aim to use a variety of techniques from non-linear dynamics such as fractal dimension and Hurst index to unravel the functioning of brain and find their dependence on PSD oscillations and slopes. We are also trying to observe the signatures of open-eye meditation in PSDs and time series, which would help us to decipher the impact of meditation on a person’s mental health and well-being.